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Lighting your log cabin

Wooden sheds and cabins are extremely popular anywhere in the world. A timber structure itself is unique and can be modified in multiple ways – yet the devil is in the details!

A garden log cabin is an excellent upgrade to anyone’s home. However, it’s the surroundings that make it all stand out and garden lightning is the element which makes the most of it!

This counts especially in the evening, as the sun goes down, illuminating your cabin with some special lights around makes it so special. You can enjoy a cup of tea or two with your family even until the darkest hours, finding your way back home will be more than simple.

When buying the lighting, make sure you look into the economics involved. Ideally, there are lighting posts with solar panels built in so you can enjoy the lighting, basically, “free of charge”. Moreover, make sure that all of the installations are done by the professionals as you do not want to harm any of the residents of your garden like pets or birds!

There are multiple places where a lighting installation can be situated.

To begin with, the perfect location for built-in lighting is on the porch – installed underneath in a straight line or half a circle. Furthermore, it is important to install some lighting above the entrance. This gives a really welcoming effect to the cabin as a whole. Finally, the steps to the backyard or your shed can also be illuminated – use some flower pots and hide the lights in them to impress your friends!

When it comes to the interior, it all depends on the purpose of your log cabin. Chandeliers, lanterns, lamps – you name it, it is all up to your personal taste and usage. If your log cabin will be used as an office, proper white light lighting is crucial. On the other hand, if the shed is mostly used for leisure – silicon solar collectors will do the job just fine.

To sum up, there are many ways to improve your log cabin with various types of lighting. In addition to these, you can also add a flowerbox under your cabin’s window or plant some flowers to give it a pleasing natural look. Bird houses on a branch of a tree next to it will also look great if you paint them in the same style as the log cabin.

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